Cross Marbles Sanct
Asbury Pie Baking
Habitat Work Day
International Peacemaker Visit
International Scholarship Fund Tea Party
Mud Volleyball for a Cause
NAMI Walk Team 2015
Nepal Concert
Providing Food For Sombra
Rebuilding Homes For Nepal Concert
“And what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness,
and to walk humbly with your God.” ­ Micah 6:8

Local / National

Asbury Cafe

A multi-church effort in which pies are baked and sold at the State Fair to raise funds to support the homeless in Albuquerque. Takes place early fall. Contribute by donating fruit or funds, baking pies, transporting pies, or working in the Café during the fair.

Dismas House

A non-profit program that provides assistance for men and women on parole and probation to transition into society. Covenant members provide dinner the 4th Monday of the month for the men’s house. Members also donate (furniture/clothing) to residents preparing to graduate from the program.

St Martin's Hope Found

This program provides support for housing and bills to help families transition out of homelessness. In addition to financial support, families benefit from St. Martin’s services including case management, counselling, and job training. Covenant supports HopeFound by sponsoring the expenses for one family per year to complete the program, learning the family’s story, and providing prayer support as they progress.

In-kind Donations to Partner Organizations

Throughout the year, we collect, furniture as requested for former Dismas House residents, and nonperishable food for Rio Grande Food Project (the first Sunday of each month); we also collect Boxtops for Education for Menaul School.

Covenant also collects donations at specific times of the year to give to families and children at our partner school, Sombra del Monte. These donations include holiday meals, Christmas gifts, school supplies, and teacher gifts.

Mission Events

Throughout the year, the Mission Committee hosts and co-hosts special events such as concerts and soup suppers to benefit partner organizations or welcome guest speakers

Rio Grande Food Project

An organization that collects and distributes food to the hungry in our community. Covenant members bring non-perishable foods to church on the first Sunday of each month and also volunteer on site to help distribute food.

Sombra del Monte

Covenant has established a partnership with our neighborhood elementary school. Members volunteer in classrooms, in the library and with after-school programs; donate school supplies, clothing, and items for students in need; prepare gift bags for teachers & staff in August; host the annual 5th grade graduation ceremony; and participate in other activities throughout the year.

Young Adult Volunteers -- Albuquerque Site

The Young Adult Volunteer (YAV) program is a one-year service opportunity for young adults ages 19-30 to explore God’s calling in their lives, serving in nationwide and international placements. Beginning in 2017, Albuquerque hosts a group of YAVs working with a variety of local nonprofit organizations engaged in education, outreach and social justice, while also learning about and building relationships with diverse communities across New Mexico. You can learn more about the work and experiences of Albuquerque YAVs in their own words here:


Mission Co-Worker

Mission co-workers serve in a variety of settings and countries around the world and support the overall mission of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Their assignments are generally in the areas of: evangelism, global education, community development, health ministries, peace and justice, or interfaith dialogue. Currently, Covenant is partnering with Douglas Dicks, a Mission Co-Worker based in Israel-Palestine. Links to Doug's updates can be found in the Epistle, Covenant's weekly email newsletter. To learn more about his work or to support Doug, please visit:

Mountain Fund

The Mountain Fund is an international organization striving to create healthy, vibrant mountain communities in Nepal where people have access to healthcare, education and economic opportunities. The mission committee makes an annual donation to the Mountain Fund, and is currently partnering with the organization to help rebuild a community that was devastated by the recent earthquake.

Young Adult Volunteers

The Young Adult Volunteer (YAV) program is a one year service opportunity for young adults ages 19-30 to explore God’s calling in their lives. YAVs live in intentional community while serving alongside partner organizations in sites across the United States and around the world. Volunteers are placed in community-based non-profits or churches in jobs based on the needs of partner organizations and the skills of the YAV. To find out more about the Young Adult Volunteer Program, please visit:

Presbyterian Church (USA)

The Presbyterian Church (USA)’s Mission Agency works to inspire, equip, and connect all its members to do Christ’s mission. The Presbyterian Mission Agency works through five ministry areas:

○ Compassion, Peace, and Justice;
○ Evangelism and Church Growth;
○ Racial Ethnic and Women’s Ministries/Presbyterian Women;
○ Theology, Worship, and Education;
○ World Mission

Visit for more information!

How can You help?

Join the committee.

We welcome members of Covenant to join the Mission Committee anytime throughout the year. We meet at 7:00pm on the second Wednesday of every month and individuals are invited to attend a meeting or two before officially joining to get a better understanding of what it means to be on the committee.

Make in-kind donations to partner organizations/activities throughout the year

Throughout the year, we collect donations of clothing to send to the Storehouse, furniture as requested for former Dismas House residents, and nonperishable food for Rio Grande Food Project (the first Sunday of each month); we also collect Boxtops for Education for Menaul School.

Covenant also collects donations at specific times of the year to give to families and children at our partner school, Sombra del Monte. These donations include: holiday meals; Christmas gifts; and school supplies.

Participate in/help with events

Sign-up to help cook meals or baked goods for various activities

Individuals at the church sign up to provide dinner for Dismas House residents on the fourth Monday of each month. There is a list in the fireside room where you can sign-up to make the main dish, salad, side, or dessert!

Volunteer with a partner organization

Sombra del Monte Elementary School is always in need of volunteers for classrooms, the library, after school programs, and other areas; Covenant currently has several members serving as volunteers at the school. Covenant also participates in the construction of a Habitat for Humanity house each year and during the build, the church looks for individuals to sign up to help. In addition to these organizations, Covenant has several members serving as volunteers and on the local boards of several other partner non-profits including NAMI and Dismas House. We encourage members to get to know all of our partner organizations and look for additional ways to get involved.

Talk to a committee member for other ideas!

This is not an exhaustive list, but simply provides a few ways to get involved. Please speak with one of the Mission Committee members to explore other ways to get involved in mission at Covenant. See the current list of committee members below.

Committee Member list

Clara Boling (Chair)

David Campbell (Chair)

Sarah Braaten

Anne Brabson

Sarah Kuhlman

Christine Lawson

Bonnie Little

Dale MacLennan

Lynn Scott

Sue Smith

Linda Sullivan